Vertikálny balet 9+/10-

Vertikálny balet 9+/10- je miestny "testpiece" Manína. Nachádza sa v sektore Biela stena popri ostatných legendách ako Bon-sens 9- či Tobogán 9 a autorom nie je nik iný ako Dino Kuráň. Enjoy! Vertikálny balet 9+/10- is a testpiece of Manín. Located in the Biela stena sector together with other legendary routes like Bon-sens 9- or Tobogán 9, its author is yet another legend Dino Kuráň. Enjoy! Music (yepp, not a ballet, but couldn't help it :D ): John Harrison with the Wichita State University Chamber Players - Spring Mvt 1 Allegro John Harrison with the Wichita State University Chamber Players - Summer Mvt 3 Presto

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